Reservations: +420 775 108 888  |


“I will guide you through the perception of your own deeper feelings by experiencing, through work with intimacy and intuition in love and openness.”

About Roman:

A loving sharing through our own experience, experiencing through our body, perceived and imprinted changes, acceptance and awareness of our own mistakes from the past - all this can be inspirational for you and I would be happy to share it all with you.

Just the stream of deep consciousness that comes and goes through my work is a valuable cognition for me.

The attention of caressing, the warmth of sincere embrace, the openness of sharing and accepting others unconditionally, the miracle of “rebirth” of oneself that can occur is precisely the path that is precious to me.

I will show you how to create a state of human serenity, calmness, self-esteem, proximity and openness, how to get closer to people or partners, how to receive and heal more consciously, or just how to enjoy yourself even during the daily unrest or stress coming from your surroundings.

I can sensitively guide you through a conscious touch even if pain, refusal, self-esteem and physical or emotional scars impede it.

I will show you effective tools to work with your own body. I will be pleased to be your guide and mentor on how to get closer to your body, how to become more sensitive to yourself, how to understand each other as a couple or how to discover a lover in the deeper sense of the word inside you…

I cordially invite you to respect and lovingly accept yourself, your beautiful essence, together with me. I invite you to explore your own uniqueness.

“Let's enter a space together where there is no place to judge what is and what is not right because everything is the way it should be. Come and afford yourself the gift of deep kind touch and pampering…”

I am your guide on this path of attention to yourself, to your inside and to the proximity of your heart.

With respect and understanding

Roman about the massage:

“Holistic sensual massage represents for me, with its profound meaning, the fulfillment of our imaginary inner goblets with attention, love and, after all, with acceptance of ourselves through the conscious touch of the masseur.”  

It is a kind of saturation time, when the one who receives has the possibility to relax up to “dissolving” in the unconditionally of the healing touch of the one who is giving. Undoubtedly, in these moments the feeling of relaxation, harmony and belonging to one's own inner world pervades the body.

So let me introduce you and guide you through the world of knowledge, possibly healing yourself through

  • a conscious healing touch in the form of holistic sensual massages
  • understanding your gender burdens and pains by constellation practice
  • understanding and accepting the fears, illness and emerging worries or anxieties with the CoreCry method

Let me be your guide

  • in the field of sexuality and intimacy and its possible conscious deepening in many ways

  • in grasping your own vision, remembering your talents, strengths and gifts

  • in working with scars, in healing the body from physical scars after injuries or heavy surgeries and mental scars on the soul

Let's together evaluate

  • your inner boundaries, the regions where you feel safe and those where in the contrary you are “losing ground under your feet”

  • the joy and experience of daily living and let´s change life to a better one than you have lived so far

  • the true fulfillment of life, identifying what is bringing you stress and “force” life instead of experiencing time in peace, lightness of being, inner freedom, with passion in heart, simply life without expectation and conditionality

  • life in humility and plentitude of the present moment - of that special time “HERE AND NOW”

Dear women and dear men,

Together with my wife Petra / with my husband Roman we have been (not only) a married couple for almost 18 years. Through our own life experience and partner calamities, which we, through deeper work with the body, transformed into joy, love, liveliness and fulfillment, we want to invite you to a sensual massage as a couple.

Come to refresh your intimate life, to get inspiration for mutual enjoyment, to recharge yourself with energy for all those not always easy life situations, let us uncover the states of mismatch and deeper experience of life as a couple, so that you soon know how much you love each other. All you need to do is to open up to each other in sincerity, love, and vulnerability.

Come to enhance the joy of the little things that make up the big days, spice up, deepen, and celebrate your love. Or just let yourself get caressed and get inspired how to touch each other more often and with love in the comfortable surroundings of your home. Be the creators of fulfilling your dreams, wishes and love.

„Miracles happen when you enter your home - your body, and you start living what you really feel.”

It will be a sincere pleasure to be your guides on this most beautiful journey…

With love Petra and Roman

What do clients say about Roman:

Wonderful massage! One the best Tantras we ever had. Thank you very much!
Linda + Tim

My education and training courses:

  • profesionální výcvik “Škola celostní smyslné masáže” vč. opakovaných asistencí (2016-2018) - Evropská akademie somatického vzdělání − EASE
  • intenzivní profesionální výcvik CORE TOUCH vč. asistencí (2017-2019) - Evropská akademie somatického vzdělání − EASE
  • MISP Instruktor (2018) - MISA International
  • Léčení jizev (2017) - Denisa & Richard
  • Vaginální mapování (2017) - Denisa & Richard
  • Indická masáž hlavy (2017) - EduSpa College
  • Kurzy pro páry (2017-2018) - Denisa & Richard
  • facilitátorský výcvik - Mužská cesta Richarda Vojíka (2018-2019)
  • intenzivní konstelační výcvik “Drama, Rituál, konstelace” Jana Bílého (2018-2019)
  • Holotropní dýchání se Stanislavem Grofem (2017) -  International Transpersonal Conference Praha
  • roční výcvik Cesta pravého muže (2016)
  • asistence na výcvicích Mužská cesta Richarda Vojíka (2017-2018)
  • výcviky Mužská cesta Richarda Vojíka (2016, 2017, 2018) - Sraz Hustých Mužů - Uvolni svou sílu - Muž, Sex a Vztah - Transformace
  • průběžné absolvování Systematických, archetypálních konstelací Jana Bílého (2016 - 2019)

Book your massage today

on +420 775 108 888

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